Social Science Experiment in the Paris2024 RDP
Flagship activities
Progress and Plans

The project team prepared an outline of objectives and draft survey plan, which covers the professional background of the forecaster, and details of their involvement in forecasting for a recent sporting event, including the requirements of the customers, the nature of the hazards, the availability of relevant guidance material and the influence of external pressures such as shortage of time and user bias.


A call was prepared and issued for an intern to develop, administer and analyse the survey under the supervision of Dr Isabelle Ruin of the Institute of Environmental Geosciences at the University of Grenoble. An excellent candidate was selected from the applicants and will commence work in February 2024. The report will be due at the end of August 2024.


The possibility of including UK sports forecasters was explored, but this will depend on identifying a source of funding for the survey work.”

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