The IBFW project will consist of three stages:
1) Conduct a gap analysis
2) Hold a workshop series - "Impact-based Forecasts & Warnings Workshop Series" will be held in October - November 2022.
3) Produce written outputs.
1. Gap analysis
Project team members will conduct a gap analysis throughout 2022, reviewing available literature, previous workshop and conference session outputs, the Expert Team guidance and more. The team will identify further gaps through discussions with experts worldwide.
2. Workshops
There will be a three-part virtual workshop
series in October-November 2022. These interactive workshops will be free and open to
anyone wishing to take part. They will be held in English, and on the dates 6am UTC 25 October - Impact-based warnings: Underpinning data and
model integration, 12pm UTC 1 November - People-centred impact-based warnings, and 7pm UTC 9 November - Multi-hazard impact-based warnings. Please register your interest by filling in the following Form We will send more information and recordings
afterwards to everyone who has registered.
3. Outputs
We will publish the findings of the project in a peer-reviewed and open-access journal article, with summaries on the HIWeather website, and newsletters for WWRP and HIWeather. We will prepare a plan to guide addressing the knowledge, data, and methodological gaps that have been identified from a research perspective.
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