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Warning Value Chain Project
Flagship activities
Work packages

WP1 – Review and Guidance on Value Chain Approaches - To achieve the first two linked objectives, we will review and assess current value chain practices from both explicit and implicit warning ‘chain’ evaluation research and case studies with respect to the use of socio-economic insights in development and delivery of weather, warning and climate services. Based on this assessment we seek to critique and identify the 'value added' of applying a value chain and provide guidance and examples and how it can be applied in a useful, flexible and robust way to analyse complex warning chains. Building on current and recently completed applications of the value chain concept in weather, warning and climate services we will develop an inventory of value chain applications, catalogue of usage types, and value chain guidance and tools.

WP2 – Collection and Analysis of Warning Chains - To achieve the third and fourth objectives, we will catalogue, analyse, and supplement where feasible, information from case studies of the performance of warning chains, review the information available about the organisation and performance of warning chains, and perform detailed evaluations of warning chains in selected case studies, noting that catalogued case studies should capture both successes and failures. Initially, the collected case studies will be gathered in a simple, editable interim catalogue which offers flexibility for adjusting the metadata needed.

WP3 – Build Warning Chain Database - Based on WP2, a Warning Chain Database will be developed with an intuitive web-based user interface designed to enable warning events and warning systems to be interrogated and compared easily. The database will provide a valuable source of evidence for what constitutes an effective warning system: one that is useful, usable and used; from which to identify and promote best practice in warning for and reporting on high impact weather so as to support the development of improved warning services. It will be the first database that explicitly represents the end-to-end chain of weather observation and modelling, hazard and impact prediction, warnings, user decisions, impacts and benefits.

WP4 – Coordination, Communication and Outreach - This work package coordinates the project including meetings, reporting to WWRP and resourcing. It also conducts outreach by developing training materials and organising workshops and conference sessions.

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