Relevant areas of work include unconventional data sources, km-scale data assimilation and ensemble prediction, km-scale coupled modelling, hazard impact modelling and risk communication. The Met Office recently completed implementation of its new hourly lagged convection-permitting ensemble. Trial results showed a substantial gain in performance ( Impacts work is largely carried out in the Natural Hazard Partnership ( The recently completed NERC/Met Office Flooding from Intense Rainfall project delivered new radar capability, advances in km-scale data assimilation & coupling with inundation models ( UKRI funds two networks in its “Decision Making Under Uncertainty” theme. NERC/UKAid fund four research projects through the Science for Humanitarian Emergencies And Resilience (SHEAR) programme focusing on co-production of knowledge using a multi-disciplinary and problem-centred approach in sub-Saharan Africa and south Asia ( See also SWIFT and HIGHWAY, above. The UKRI Global Challenges Research Fund Urban Disaster Risk Hub, which is endorsed by HIWeather, is developing its plans for building resilience to natural hazards in Kathmandu, Nairobi, Istanbul and Quito (
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