A joint committee is formulating a US response to the three post-THORPEX projects and will shortly complete an inventory of existing relevant work. Prof. Michael Morgan leads this activity for HIWeather. The US has a wide range of relevant work underway including the Hydrometeorology Testbed (HMT), focusing on rainfall and flood forecasting, and the Hazardous Weather Testbed, focusing on tornado, wind and hail forecasting. CAPS is running 3-km CONUS-domain cycled EnKF data assimilation, including radar data, for selected periods and discussing coupling with hydrology/river stream models for HMT. The National Weather Service FACETS project (http://www.nssl.noaa.gov/projects/facets/) is closely aligned with several aspects of HIWeather. The related Weather Ready Nations initiative is particularly relevant and Dr Jennifer Sprague-Hilderbrand is a member of the HIWeather Advisory Group.
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