Unconventional data sources for impact modelling, evaluation & communication
Jun 24,2020
Leads: Sara Harrison and Amber Silver
An unconventional data research network has been formed. Several activities are underway to investigate tools for gathering social media data from the public, and on the use of weather warnings by the public using data from social media. Activities include:
Twitter data analysis: Hywel Williams (U. Exeter, UK)
Use and interpretation of warnings on social media by the public: Amber Silver (U. at Albany, US), Shannon Panchuk (BoM, Australia)
Citizen science: Lisa McLaren (JCDR, New Zealand)
Role of social media for impact models & warnings: Sara Harrison, Sally Potter (New Zealand)
Thomas Kox and colleagues have a have a new little citizen science project in Munich on weather impacts and weather observations with school children. However, this is currently paused due to the COVID situation