Lead: Yali Luo (CAMS)
During the pre-summer rainy season (April–June), southern China often experiences frequent occurrences of extreme rainfall, leading to severe flooding. The China Meteorological Administration (CMA) initiated a nationally coordinated research project, SCMREX, endorsed by WMO, as a WWRP RDP, consisting of four major components: field campaign, database management, studies on physical mechanisms of heavy rainfall events, and convection-permitting numerical experiments including impact of data assimilation, evaluation/improvement of model physics, and ensemble prediction. Pilot field campaigns were carried out in 2013–15. See https://journals.ametsoc.org/doi/abs/10.1175/BAMS-D-15-00235.1, which describes i) the scientific objectives, pilot field campaigns, & data sharing of SCMREX; ii) provides an overview of heavy rainfall events during SCMREX-2014; and iii) presents examples of preliminary research results and explains future research opportunities.
The fourth WMO Monsoon Heavy Rainfall Workshop (MHR-4) was held in Shenzhen, China on April 2019 to discuss recent advances in analysis, NWP studies and development of techniques for observing/forecasting monsoon heavy rainfall, and to review the progress of SCMREX. Above discussion has been summarized as a paper: Science and Prediction of Monsoon Heavy Rainfall. The accessible link is: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2095927319305468?dgcid=author
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